Wednesday, September 24, 2008

5.5 - Project ideas, con't.

The more I think about project proposal ideas, the less sure I am of what I want to do. My last blog covered a general idea that I found interesting. It's easy for a company to say they want to have quality employees who work to provide the best products/service to their customers... but the real issue is how they carry this overarching idea to fruition. The problem I'm seeing is that it's such a broad scope and I'm not sure how to narrow it down while keeping my original focus intact.

Another idea I've been tossing around is researching information overload and the different manners in which companies (and individuals) deal with the problems caused. This is a very prevalent and interesting topic for most MBA students. As information sources continue to grow, this problem will continue to grow. I'd like to research the current practices deemed most effective and proposed solutions which hold merit.

1 comment:

Professor Cyborg said...

In thinking about your project, consider the questions you want answered. You'll be basing your answer on what others have found--the research others have done. Do doing some preliminary library research on the topics you've been considering should help provide a focus for your project.