Wednesday, October 8, 2008

7.3 - Networking 101

Chapter 6 discusses communication networks and using networks of relationships to aid in landing jobs. This reminds me of a conversation I had with a good friend before entering the MBA program. He graduated in 96' from the SJSU MBA program and said the biggest thing he got out of his time here was the connections he made. His career has consisted of three main jobs - all of which he obtained through his network of SJSU alumni. This comment was the sole reason I hesitated on attending this program... I initially planned to move out of the area back to Hawaii when I'm done, so I thought that I'd be better served doing my MBA studies there.

Like most business students, the benefits and necessity of networking has been ingrained in my head. I've been very successful in pairing job seeking friends with friends who happen to be hiring or have a department hiring. Unfortunately, this success hasn't worked so well for myself. So... if your company is hiring, I'm always looking for new opportunities. :D

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