Friday, October 17, 2008

8.5 - The Power of Current Events

I remember going in to school on current events day with my scrap of newspaper, proud that I knew something that no one else knew... and I was going to teach them.

As we discuss power of knowledge in organizations, I thought of a recent trend I've noticed in business. The advent of the Internet has put the world at our fingertips. This provides a pantheon of knowledge and information at one's disposal. This revolution has also sped up the rate at which technology is developed.

What I've noticed about knowledge/power, is that there is a large shift from the days of employees holding prestige solely based on their depth of experience/knowledge. While experience is always good, adaptability and being on the cutting edge of technologies are becoming key attributes. One may look up historical data if needed, but being ahead of the industry in new techniques/processes is often paramount. Those who possess experience/knowledge and know how to leverage it in new and creative manners... hold the true power of knowledge.

1 comment:

Mansoor said...

I like the point you raised that now a days success doesn't rely only in being excessively experienced on one field but also being up to date with the emerging technologies. This process of being top of new technologies is of course critical, but where its doing good to new generation and opening new opportunities to them, its pushing back the last generation and making them feel useless and "old". Biologically, with the passage of time, people find themselves more reluctant to learning new things and feel stressed when asked to do so. Even if someone in his late 20's is asked to learn a new technology, it will take him a lot of effort and courage to learn it, and the fact that this will benefit him in future would push him to learn this new technology. But for an old person who has been so used to of old way of doing things will not be able to adopt it and hence lose the job.