Thursday, October 9, 2008

7.5 - Gandhi vs. Chainsaw Al

Box 7.10 talks about the differences in styles between Gandhi and Chainsaw Al, asking the question "are such leaders transformational?" and do they belong in the same category as Gandhi, MLK, etc.

My opinion - yes. There is absolutely no doubt that Chainsaw Al is a transformational leader. His whole reputation is built on turning companies around. On the other hand, while he's great at that part... I wouldn't classify him as a great overall leader. It's easy to look at numbers and make strategic decisions. It's much more difficult to take employees, nurture a company's culture, and grow the company. I believe leadership entails a certain level of empowering one's subordinates and growing them along with the company. Due to this belief, I view Al as a great strategist and transformational leader, but not one that can carry the end product as far as possible.

1 comment:

Professor Cyborg said...

I have a similar view of leadership. It's not all in the company's bottom line and level of productivity. I'm also not convinced that leadership resides in one person. Distributive leadership seems like a more practical approach. It empowers employees, as you suggest, but it also means an organization will survive if "the" leader leaves. When organization members participate in decision making, they're more likely to feel committed to the organization. Granted, this approach to leadership is more time consuming than having one person act as the leader, but in the long run, it benefits the company.